On last April kei was celebrate Culture day at her school..
She dressed and dance balinesse...
2 weeks before the date, they been practice at school for the dance performance...
I'm a little bit worried actually because she didn't allowed me or her poppi the see her practice.. she keep saying.. 'Just watch me on the day I promise I will dance nicely on the stage'
Pheeuuwwww... she is a big girl now....
Okay, here is some pictures ^_^
Monday, June 24, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Looking for Dummy
Looking for a dummy for my sewing project....
no need new one, second one is enough... around Jakarta, Bandung or Bogor area...
Size M required...
Vintage ones will be advantage... i Love vintage ^_^
no need new one, second one is enough... around Jakarta, Bandung or Bogor area...
Size M required...
Vintage ones will be advantage... i Love vintage ^_^
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Meet Fania - My first Felt doll
I made her and her friends for Kei birthday..
I want to give something special for Kei's friend something not just bought from a shop, a handmade felt doll would be perfect.
Been stitched the doll since mid of Dec during my free time.
the inspiration I took from gingermelondolls, I admired her work; her handwork is so gorgeous and lovely…
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Ladies secret
Every month all active women facing their monthly menstruation.
I got friends who always accompanied my through that days..
During the day ==>
During the night ==>
I got friends who always accompanied my through that days..
During the day ==>
Happy birthday baby mommi
Last 28th April it's her 4th birthday...
She wants to celebrate with her best friends and a Hello kitty themes...
Prepare for her party since December ^_^
Made a felt doll for each of her friends by hand; happy that all the kids was love the dolls.. really love this birthday project since beginning. Choosing the goody bag, design the sticker template and the cake decoration, preparing the snack. Kei was always involved in choosing the items and helping filling the goody bags even making the pinata.
For the goody bags i choose a square tin can which i order from Vrin bahan dan souvenir; design the sticker template then print it on local print supplier. Inside the goody bags we filled it with somes our favorite old snack which still can be found on our local market (Kei loved the snack also specially 'Biskuit bunga' and 'Chocolate wafer'). Also i managed to made some hair pin during my lunch time. We choose tin can because we think the box had a lots usefull.
It can be used as :
==> Jewellry box
==> Lunch box
==> Crayon/Pencil box
==> or even a saving box

We invite only 8 friends, my mom, her cousins (Dharma and Meixie) also her favorite uncle Anton (my youngest bro) was also coming to the party. We prepare some snacks and for filling the fun times the kids was crafting by making bracelets and neclaces from pearl beads. Then continue with menicure and pedicure after than singing and make a wish, blow the candle and cut the cakes, the last hitting the pinata is the most waited by the kids after that finish it with lunch box.

It's only a small party but the girls loved its.. Kei keep hugging me and kissed me and saying " I love you Mommi, i love you Poppi, thanks for the party ". It's the best moments for moments for us.
Happy Birthday baby mommi, Wish all the best, keep smilling and healhty, be good girl and enjoy your life.
* Birthday cake :
price by request
Jl. Raya Pajajaran no.14
Bogor 16143
Ph. 0251-310921
Bogor 16143
Ph. 0251-310921
* Alphabeth cookies
price by request
Phone : 08561807715
*Tin can (Goody box)
Phone : 081.7037.49.830
Location : Situbondo, Jawa Timur
Location : Situbondo, Jawa Timur
Monday, May 6, 2013
Tough May - Goodbye Mba Cus
It's Saturday,
Today's its Kei's nanny last day, she went to her hometown and will get married at the end of this month...
Phuuuuuwwwhhhh.... it's hard for us, she been stayed at the family more than 2 years... Kei love her and she love Kei like her own sister...
Thanks a lots for your help and loves Nanny Esih.. Wish you happiness and have a wonderful married.
Drop her to the bus pool in the morning, meet her future husband and give some words, weeping and hugs then we leaved her there.
Kei didn't wants to go home, Poppi wants to see "Ironman 3" and I have to deliver some tupperware to a friend house...
After dropping the tupperware, we went to JungleLand . Unfortunately we reached there too early; the main gate still under construction so the officers guide us to enter through side gate but the tiket center still not open yet. We were being asked to wait inside the mushola, they told us that the tiket center area was already full with visitor queqe but Kei didn't want to wait because she can not see anything there and no chair to sit. We decided looks around; the area was still under construction everywhere and it's HOT even in the morning. Than Kei feel hungry so we decided to canceled the visit and try to find something to eat @ Ah poong river market.
We tried Snowice with watermelon and leccyhe, Cakue goreng, Bakmi Kepiting and Peach tea..
in between we visit the EcoArtPark which located just on side accross the market. in here we tooked some picture and try some sience tools which all was free.
Finish the day by wacthing IronMan 3 @21cineplex Bellanova, poppi successfully persuade Kei with caramel popcorn so she can keep focus watching the movie.
* Ah Poong river market
Snow ice Rp. 25.000
Cakue Goreng Rp. 9.000/pc
Bakmi Kepiting Rp. 33.500
Peach Tea Rp. 22.500
* JungleLand
Entry Ticket Rp. 150.000 promotion until May 2013 Rp. 75.000 per person
EcoArtPark Sentul
Entry ticket ==> Free
Today's its Kei's nanny last day, she went to her hometown and will get married at the end of this month...
Phuuuuuwwwhhhh.... it's hard for us, she been stayed at the family more than 2 years... Kei love her and she love Kei like her own sister...
Thanks a lots for your help and loves Nanny Esih.. Wish you happiness and have a wonderful married.
Drop her to the bus pool in the morning, meet her future husband and give some words, weeping and hugs then we leaved her there.
Kei didn't wants to go home, Poppi wants to see "Ironman 3" and I have to deliver some tupperware to a friend house...
After dropping the tupperware, we went to JungleLand . Unfortunately we reached there too early; the main gate still under construction so the officers guide us to enter through side gate but the tiket center still not open yet. We were being asked to wait inside the mushola, they told us that the tiket center area was already full with visitor queqe but Kei didn't want to wait because she can not see anything there and no chair to sit. We decided looks around; the area was still under construction everywhere and it's HOT even in the morning. Than Kei feel hungry so we decided to canceled the visit and try to find something to eat @ Ah poong river market.
We tried Snowice with watermelon and leccyhe, Cakue goreng, Bakmi Kepiting and Peach tea..
in between we visit the EcoArtPark which located just on side accross the market. in here we tooked some picture and try some sience tools which all was free.
* Ah Poong river market
Snow ice Rp. 25.000
Cakue Goreng Rp. 9.000/pc
Bakmi Kepiting Rp. 33.500
Peach Tea Rp. 22.500
* JungleLand
Entry Ticket Rp. 150.000 promotion until May 2013 Rp. 75.000 per person
EcoArtPark Sentul
Entry ticket ==> Free
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Adventure land
Where Kei spending her time for more adventures outside our house ???
IPB Labschool, I found this school after long search with Bunda Allysa. Kei spent almost 2 years in this school joining playgroup class and daycare.
3 times a week she will enter the school @8am, first they will do morning circle before starting he class. After the class then lunch and nap, snack time, afternoon bath then finish the day at 4pm waiting for pick up.
A lots of new thing she learn, new adventure she discover, and new friends she got. One of her best friend is Allysa. At school she learn to count 1,2,3,....10; A,B,C,...; how to make buble, how to make simple sandwich, origami, painting, visiting fish market, Farm, fruit marker, police office, etc.
IPB Labschool, I found this school after long search with Bunda Allysa. Kei spent almost 2 years in this school joining playgroup class and daycare.
3 times a week she will enter the school @8am, first they will do morning circle before starting he class. After the class then lunch and nap, snack time, afternoon bath then finish the day at 4pm waiting for pick up.
A lots of new thing she learn, new adventure she discover, and new friends she got. One of her best friend is Allysa. At school she learn to count 1,2,3,....10; A,B,C,...; how to make buble, how to make simple sandwich, origami, painting, visiting fish market, Farm, fruit marker, police office, etc.
It's one of the school and daycare you can found in Bogor, the teacher is graduated from IPB University.
Since Kei joining the Playground and daycare, we got 2 report books per day. Inside the books teachers will wrote down the program of the day and some note for what she been doing during the school n daycare program like what the lunch menu, did she finish the lunch or not, do she take a nap, if yes how long she was slept, what is the snack menu, and sometimes some funny chat or funny act she been doing with her friends.
Every three months they will give school news contains school program, school activity, kids funny or sweet chat, info about the students, etc.
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